We know what you are thinking, "wait, what does this name mean?!"
Meet The Bean
Let's get that taken care of first, then dive into what else is exciting about this bean. Welcome to HueHuetenago, Guatemala (pronounced Way-Way-tay-nago), a region that consistently produces high quality coffee in elevations as high as 6,000 feet. Hue-Hue, Way-Way Awesome Coffee!
The Inside Scoop
Now that you are smiling, here are other awesome things about this coffee. Organically grown from one of the most famous growing regions in Central America. The high elevation causes a very slow growing cycle and a very dense bean. Typically, this creates a complex taste, a sweeter cup of coffee and more interesting tasting profile. It is one of those cups you will want to sip slow to take it all in, allowing the sweet notes of toffee, butterscotch and fig develop as your coffee cools from 200° to 180°. Trust us, it's Hue-Hue Awesome. (We just can't help it!)