The best way to make coffee is such a personal question.
I don’t mean personal like who was your first kiss, I mean personal as in everyone’s situation and tastes are different.
I’m both a coffee snob and a caffeine junkie. I feel I bridge that gap pretty well when talking to either group and exchanging advice and ideas. Let me explain. There are times in my life where I just need an easy solution to wake up in the morning and get the day going. After all, that’s why I started drinking coffee in the my first firehouse in Harlem, NY.
While we would drink drip coffee around the firehouse kitchen table back then, I would also use a French Press at home. 30g coarse ground coffee (yes, I still use a scale) add 450ml water at 200 Fahrenheit. Press a quarter way down and let it sit 4-5 minutes, press the rest of the way and pour.
Go go go!On days when I have more time, I prefer a pour-over method. I like the slow systemic approach, the science and the personalized moment of my morning before diving into the day. I also enjoy perfecting the grind size when trying out new coffees. Nerd!
The pour over isn’t complicated and I don’t mean to allude to that. I just feel like that brew style really allows me to focus on well…me and my cup of coffee. Where the rest of my days is work and family.
The pour over isn’t complicated and I don’t mean to allude to that. I just feel like that brew style really allows me to focus on well . . . me & my cup of coffee. Where the rest of my days is work and family.
I encourage you to try different brew styles and see how each one makes you feel. Also, try using the same coffee but brew it differently. Does the taste change? Does it feel more thicker or thinner on the palate?
Don’t just drink coffee explore it!