Microlots are special lots of coffee, selected for their high quality and unique flavor profiles. You will find microlots within larger farms grown in limited quantities, picked and processed entirely separate from the rest of the farm. Auctions are done for these types of high grade coffees to help funnel demand and reward the farmer for their hard work. This was the first time Cielo entered her coffee into an auction, and the first time we participated, a perfect pairing!
The Inside Scoop
Cielo’s farm, Finca El Narnjo, has undergone incredible changes in the last 8 years since they purchased it. Her diligence in rejuvenating the land and trees is exemplified in how the coffee cups. Cielo’s farm nestles in Colombia's enchanting Antioquia region, home of the celebrated "Best of Antioquia" competition and auction.
This coffee will delight in a symphony of flavors—the sweetness of a date, the zing of mandarin, and the comforting embrace of pecans.