E Komo Mai! Hawaii Coffee Association will be Hosting an International Roaster & Brewer Competition at Our Roastery
The SCA USCC Hawaii Prelim events are August 19-21, 2022
In the Brewers Cup Competition, competitors will be given 20 minutes to create and serve two individual brews using Hawaii-grown coffee for two sensory judges. The host-provided coffees must be sourced from two or more local coffee roasting companies. Competitors may utilize any set of brewing devices of their choosing, so long as they qualify according to the competition rules.
Roaster Competition
For the first time ever, the HCA is excited to host the Roaster Competition, which consists of three components: Cup-To-Profile Presentations, Judges Cupping and Audience Service. In the Cup-To-Profile Presentations, competitors have five minutes to present, but not serve, their Hawaii-grown coffee to two judges. During the Judges Cupping segment, judges evaluate each competitor’s roasted coffee in a blind cupping. In the third segment, competitors have 20-30 minutes to serve their Hawaii-grown coffee to the audience. Competitors will be evaluated and scored by a head judge and two sensory judges. Competitor’s coffee will be brewed on batch brewers by volunteers before the start of the Audience Service.
You're Invited! Those interested in expanding their coffee knowledge, learn more about the intricacies of Hawaii coffee and see how coffee is evaluated are strongly encouraged to attend. There will be various events throughout the day as well as food and entertainment.
We look forward to meeting you all at Our Coffee Community Event!