Latte Art: Make a Masterpiece

Latte Art: Make a Masterpiece

The Art and Science of Latte Art Latte art is where the worlds of coffee artistry and science converge, transforming a simple cup of coffee into a canvas of intricate designs. The magic begins with great tasting espresso and perfectly steamed milk, which is the foundation of any beautiful latte. Steaming the milk involves heating it to the right temperature and texture, around 130-155 F—smooth and velvety with a microfoam that's thick enough to create stunning patterns. If you over heat the milk, above 160F, it can scorch, leading to a burnt or bitter taste. How to Make Your Own...

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Sweet Summer - Limited Batch

Sweet Summer - Limited Batch

Meet The Bean Sweet Sunshine, like its name, brings a warm, comforting glow to your mornings. This naturally processed Brazilian Peaberry offers a surprise with every sip. These beans benefit from Brazil's rich coffee heritage and ideal growing conditions. The rich chocolate notes provide a luxurious foundation, complemented by sweet maple syrup and nutty walnut nuances. The Inside Scoop The creamy chocolate undertones provide a solid foundation, while the subtle maple sweetness and walnut essence add a delightful complexity. Each sip is like a gentle embrace from the sun, warming you from the inside out. It's a perfect way to...

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Coffee Brewing: Pour-Over vs Automatic Drip

Coffee Brewing: Pour-Over vs Automatic Drip

I love brewing with my Hario V60 manual pour-over. It takes me about 5 minutes from whole-bean to first delicious sip and it remains my precious ritual each morning before I take on the world.  Pour-over brewing is considered by many coffee enthusiasts, including myself to be the superior method for brewing a delicious cup of coffee. It’s easy, fun and allows for a lot of customization. Admittedly, this method requires a bit of math that I keep it simple for my first cup of the day. (15:1 water to coffee ratio). This is slightly off the 17:1 ratio I...

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Summer Lovin' — Limited Batch

Summer Lovin' — Limited Batch

Our new Limited Bath coffee hails from the high-altitude regions of Bolivia, where the unique climate and fertile soil contribute to its exceptional quality. Our beans are washed processed, a method that ensures a clean and consistent flavor profile.

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