Now before everyone starts pulling this recipe apart, this is Tradition’s favorite way to execute on a Pour Over. We know there are probably about 1,245,872 variations to make your perfect pour over. Hence having huge brewing competitions showcasing all the different styles and methods to make the perfect cup. Yes, that is a thing, and its a massive coffee event done on a global scale, think Coffee Olympics. So sit back and enjoy this how to, Tradition Style. Our goal is to build coffee knowledge so that you can go off and experiment at your own coffee table to find the perfect cup for you!
Items Needed
- Fresh-Roasted TRADITION Coffee
- Dripper with Paper Filter
- Temperature-Regulated Kettle
- Scale with Timer or Timer
Step-by-Step Guide
• Wet the Filter
Place the paper filter in the dripper.
Wet the filter with hot water (201°F) to remove any paper taste.
Pour out the water from the dripper, ensuring it's dry.
• Weigh and Grind Coffee
Weigh out 24g of coffee beans.
Grind the beans to a medium grind size.
For more on Grind Size, check out this post
• Add Coffee to Filter
Add the ground coffee to the wet filter.
Place the dripper on the scale and zero out the scale.
Place the paper filter in the dripper.
• First Bloom
Start the timer.
Gently pour 50g of hot water (201°F) over the coffee grounds, ensuring all grounds are wet.
Let it bloom for 30 seconds.
• Second Bloom
After the initial 30 seconds in step 1, gently pour another 50g of hot water over the grounds, then wait until your timer is at 1 minute.
Ensure all grounds are rewet to continue the blooming process.
• Pouring Technique
After 1 minute, continue pouring the rest of the hot water (201°F) in a slow, steady and delicate pattern until your scale reads 408g.
Aim to keep all grounds wet throughout the pouring process.
• Brew Time
Continue pouring until the scale reads 408g of water.
This should take about 2.5 to 3 minutes.
The final ratio is 1:17 coffee grounds to water.
Now you know our magical recipe for the perfect Pour Over. There are MANY variations and ratios, we strongly encourage you to experiment with your perfect ratio, pouring method, grind size, etc and come up with Your Perfect Method!