November in Hawai'i reminds us to prepare for our "cool" winter evenings hovering in the low 70's. The change in season signals the upcoming holiday season where we are reminded to appreciate family and friends by getting together with those we don't see often enough.
Meet The Bean
To commemorate the seasonal preparations, here's an ultra rare and exciting coffee for you to covet or share with those closest to you. This Honduras coffee is naturally processed and has undergone an anaerobic fermentation, meaning the beans are isolated from oxygen. Similar to Kombucha, microorganisms break down the sugars at a slower rate which allows more complex flavors to develop.
The Inside Scoop
We would describe this coffee as nuanced and complex. Everyone on our cupping team was bouncing off the walls with descriptors like lemon crème, sweet candy, white chocolate, champagne and honey comb, but mostly "I love this!"